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The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) has a mission to improve and protect life for marine mammals, humans, and our shared oceans through science, service & education.

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Our vision is to be the leading laboratory in marine mammal science, where critical questions about marine mammal health, welfare, and conservation are answered by an unparalleled team of experts, and significant contributions are made locally and globally through science and education.

NMMF’s decades of service and experience allow us to partner with leaders in the scientific community to conduct high-priority investigations into marine mammal acoustics, conservation, and medicine. Significant scientific breakthroughs are continually being made by the NMMF.

Photo: Eric Franks -Taken under MMPA/ESA Permit No 18786-1


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  • NMMF Journal ·

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  • NMMF Journal ·

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The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized globally as a leader in marine mammal science, medicine, and conservation.

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NMMF researchers, animal care experts and scientists advance the world’s knowledge in marine mammal biology and medicine. We study how human-made sound and changes to the environment impact marine mammals.


We are proud to protect the health and well-being of the U.S. Navy’s marine mammals. This important work allows the NMMF team to serve and protect wild marine mammal populations and inform critical conservation approaches.


Our team strives to foster the next generation of scientists and ocean ambassadors. As part of our commitment to education, we take our message of conservation and research to schools, organizations, and public events nationwide.

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Humpback Whale Acoustics

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Working to protect endangered Southern Resident killer whales.

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NMMF Conservation Medicine Offices, and local fieldwork, including photo id and population assessments of local and transient populations and supporting east cost marine mammal rescue efforts.

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Assessing the effects of chemical spills and a changing environment on dolphins and whales in the southeast U.S.

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Facilitating an international collaboration to save the vaquita porpoise from extinction.

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The NMMF participated in the California sea lion unusual mortality event (UME) response and investigation.


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Ex Situ options for Cetacean Conservation Workshop: Nuremberg, Germany

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Ex Situ options for Cetacean Conservation Franciscana Workshop: Argentina

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Dr. Jenny Meegan supported efforts to evaluate the health of endangered seals and sea lions in a region of overfishing and industrial expansion.

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NMMF Funded Acoustic Node: Amazonian River Dolphins


Proudly caring for marine mammals and providing expertise in marine mammal care, behavior, and welfare.​

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NMMF collaborated with Austrian filmmaker, Richard Ladkani, who featured VaquitaCPR conservation efforts to rescue the vaquita porpoise from the brink of extinction in his documentary, Sea of Shadows.

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